Euro Therapy UK Ltd
1 – 2 Harbour House,
Harbour way,
BN43 5HZ
Contact Details
Telephone: 01273 441986
We use cookies on this website to help in maintaining your Eurotherapy contact and purchase history and through third parties such as PayPal who provide our online payment services.
Your right to privacy is an important concern to us.
On this Euro Therapy UK Ltd website we help you maintain control over your personal data, whilst also providing you with relevant information that may help a range of health conditions through our medical devices, UK event attendance and after-sales support services.
In some areas of our website we ask you to provide information that will enable us to follow up with you after your visit to our site.
We request information from you to request we contact you. To respond to your enquiry effectively we ask for your name, email address and other personal details that need to be supplied for the services or advice you may require.
The information you provide will be kept confidential and will be used only to support your customer relationship with Euro Therapy UK Ltd and information will not be disclosed or sold to any outside organisation or third party without your prior consent.
We hope that you are satisfied with the measures we employ to help ensure we secure your personal privacy, and that you remain confident about the safety of your online information.
Euro Therapy UK Ltd uses all reasonable care in compiling and presenting the information found on this website. It is provided purely for information and you should seek further guidance and make independent enquiries before relying upon it. The information included in this website is subject to change without notice.
Euro Therapy UK Ltd makes no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the completeness, accuracy, currency, adequacy, suitability or operation of this website, or of the information it contains.
Euro Therapy UK Ltd assumes no responsibility for information contained in this website and disclaims all liability arising from negligence or otherwise in respect of such information.
We will not be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for any consequential loss) howsoever arising and whether in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use the website, or any of its contents, or from any action or omission taken as a result of using the website or any such contents.
Whilst we take all reasonable endeavours to ensure this website is virus free, we make no warranty that the contents of the website are free from infection by viruses or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties and shall have no liability in respect thereof.
This website was created in England. All liability is excluded to the extent permitted by law including any implied terms.
Any interpretation of its content, claims or disputes (of whatever nature and not limited to contractual issues) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts under English law.